SusChemTec Research Group


Biobased Nanomaterials and Polymer Nanocomposites for the European Circular
Bioeconomy (BIOMAC)


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


1/1/2021 – 31/12/2024


16,721,764 €

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 952941

The bio-based sector is one of Europe’s most resource-intensive. As a key player in the economy, it serves as an impetus towards circular business models of resource efficiency. Recent developments in bio-based nanomaterials are combined with biotechnologies to convert renewable resources into high value-added biopolymers used by the food packaging, construction, automotive and printed electronics sectors. The EU-funded BIOMAC project will create an Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) ecosystem openly accessible by SMEs and the industry via a single-entry point. The project envisages establishing an open collaboration community that supports innovation and minimises investment risks. OITB services will assess regulation, safety, sustainability, circularity and market potential with modelling, process control, standardisation and characterisation.
Description & Objectives

BIOMAC (European Sustainable BIO-based nanoMAterials Community) is a Horizon2020 project that will establish an Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB), a true collaborative ecosystem where technologies and solutions utilising nano-enabled bio-based materials (NBMs) will be upscaled and prepared for market applications.


The BIOMAC Ecosystem will provide open access to its facilities (17 Pilot Lines) and complementary services required for the development, testing and upscaling of materials and products in the field of nano-enabled bio-based products and materials. The Pilots Lines of BIOMAC cover the whole value chain, from biomass fractionation and intermediate chemicals to final NBMs.


After the validation of the BIOMAC ecosystem through 5 internal test cases (TeCs) in the fields of automotive, agricultural, food packaging, construction and printed electronics industries, an open call for expression of interest for stakeholders will be launched, inviting 5 more intra TeCs to assess the OITB. BIOMAC will function as an one-stop-shop accecible at fair conditions and costs through a single entry point, represented by ΙΒΒ Netzwerk.


The ambition of BIOMAC is to boost and sustain innovation in the field of European bio-economy industries, by reducing the time-to-market of novel nanotechnologies, thus reducing cost and risks.

  • Establishment of a self-sustainable ecosystem (Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) for upscaling of processes incorporating major developments in NBMs
  • Upgrade and modification of the PLs through integration of monitoring and process control systems
  • Validate the operation of the OITB through creating and demonsitrating 5 novel manufacturing supply and value chains (TeCs)
  • Establishment of a Single-Entry Point (SEP) platform consistent with a One-Stop-Shop framework
  • Ensuring the post-project sustainability of the ecosystem and creation of a sustainability plan
  • Deliver production processes and products based on highest efficiency and lowest possible environmental impact and energy requirements throughout their life cycle by means of Social-LCA/LCA/LCC
  • Development of a Decision Support Tool (DST) for the assessment of the value chains developed
  • Validation of the circularity of the value chains
  • Ensuring long-term compliance with monitoring and nanosafety procedures
  • Definition of technical and managerial guidelines that will allow the functioning of the NMBs for the end-of-life management chains within a circular network through a closed loop system

Role & Involvement of AUTH

AUTH will be the coordinator of the project (Prof. Dimitrios Bikiaris/Coordinator, Dr. Zoe Terzopoulou/Project Coordination Team Member, Prof. Konstantinos Triantafyllidis/Validation Technical Manager) and will be responsible for the communication with the European Commission.

Role our group – Pilot Line 3:

Our group will contribute with one of the 17 Pilot Lines, namely “PL3: Sugar derived polyols and diols by catalytic hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis”.

More specifically, AUTH’s PL3 will produce sugar alcohols (i.e. sorbitol) and smaller diols/glycols (i.e. EG, PG, 1,4-BDO) to be utilized for the synthesis of succinate based polyester and polyurethane resins for the Automotive, Agriculture and Printed Electronics Test Cases. Tailored home-made hydrogenation catalysts as well as advanced analytics will be also an important element of PL3.

Contact: Kyriazis Rekos,; Konstantinos Triantafyllidis,
