SusChemTec Research Group

Eleni Psochia wins a poster award at the 10th JMJC 13-14 October 2022 Conference, Nice, France
CELL4GLUE in Nice!! During her STSM visit in France, in the framework of Fur4Sustain Cost Action (CA 18220), Eleni Psochia had the chance to participate in the 10th Edition of the Journées Méditerranéennes Des Jeunes Chercheurs Conference and present significant outcomes of the CELL4GLUE project and her PhD thesis! Eleni had the chance to talk and interact with other young researchers and PhD students from Europe and exchange interesting ideas and scientific insights. Her participation was marked by winning a poster communication award at the conference for her presentation “Nanocellulose: from biomass to high potential nanomaterials”, offering Triantafyllidis’ research group another honorary distinction!