SusChemTec Research Group



  • Γατοπούλου Μ.Σ., Σαλονικίδου Ε.Δ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ., “Μελέτη αποθείωσης υγρών καυσίμων μέσω συνδυαστικής προσρόφησης-καταλυτικής οξείδωσης με χρήση ενεργού άνθρακα”, 7o Συνέδριο Χημείας Μεταπτυχιακών και Προπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ, 19-20 Οκτωβρίου 2024, Θεσσαλονίκη.

  • Φλωρίδης Φ., Σαλονικίδου Ε.Δ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ., “Απομάκρυνση 4,6-διμεθυλο-διβενζοθειοφαινίου από πρότυπα υγρά καύσιμα ντίζελ μέσω προσρόφησης με την χρήση νανοπορωδών ενεργών ανθράκων”, 7o Συνέδριο Χημείας Μεταπτυχιακών και Προπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ, 19-20 Οκτωβρίου 2024, Θεσσαλονίκη.

  • Triantafyllidis, K.S., Thermochemical/catalytic recycling and upcycling of thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, 10th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry (10th ICGC), 18-22 October 2024, Beijing, China (INVITED KEYNOTE).

  • Soultana Ioannidou, Philipp Treu, Foteini Zormpa, Dominik Neukum, Jörg Sauer, Erisa Saraç and Konstantinos Triantafyllidis, “Production of liquid fuel precursors via aldol condensation of bio-derived compounds using solid Lewis acids”, 17th Panhellenic Symposium on Catalysis, 08-10 October 2024, Paphos, Cyprus.

  • Antigoni Margellou, Stylianos Torofias, Konstantinos Triantafyllidis, “Catalytic hydrogenolysis of plastic wastes towards sustainable chemical recycling”, 17th Panhellenic Symposium on Catalysis, 08-10 October, Paphos, Cyprus.
  • Antigoni Margellou, Ana Correa de Araujo, Axel Funke, Konstantinos Triantafyllidis, “Hydrodeoxygenation of lignin model compounds and bio-oils”,17th Panhellenic Symposium on Catalysis, 08-10 October, Paphos, Cyprus.
  • Sotiris Andrianos, Petros Soldatos, Konstantinos Triantafyllidis, Angeliki Lemonidou, “Experimental investigation of reactor type and operating variables in the catalytic upgrading of plastic pyrolysis oil” 17th Panhellenic Symposium on Catalysis, 08-10 October, Pafos, Cyprus.
  • Eleni Psochia, Rodrigo Leonardi, Sofia Racca, Raul N. Comelli and Konstantinos S. Triantafyllidis, “Steam explosion of olive tree prunings towards a facile biopolymers and bioethanol production approach”3rd Panhellenic Chemistry conference, 25-28 September 2024, Athens, Greece.
  • Soultana Ioannidou, Antigoni Margellou, Konstantinos Triantafyllidis, “Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalytic Conversion of Xylose Towards Furfural and Furanic Adducts-Oxygenated Fuels Precursors via Dehydration and Aldol Condensation Reactionss” 23rd Panhellenic Chemistry conference, 25-28 September 2024, Athens, Greece.
  • Koutsogianni Z.L., Pappa C., Bikiaris D., Triantafyllidis K., “Bio-based thermosetting epoxy polymers from biomass-derived sugar-based monomers” 23rd Panhellenic Chemistry conference, 25-28 September 2024, Athens, Greece.
  • Soldatos P. Margellou A., Torofias S., Lemonidou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Optimized in-situ catalytic upgrading of plastic waste pyrolysis oil to naphtha-range hydrocarbons”, 17th Panhellenic Symposium on Catalysis, 08-10 October, Pafos, Cyprus.
  • Soldatos P., Margellou A., Torofias S., Triantafyllidis K., “Chemical upcycling of plastic wastes via catalytic fast pyrolysis towards fuel production”, 23rd Panhellenic Chemistry conference, 25-28 September 2024, Athens, Greece.
  • Margellou A., Pappa, Rekos K., Soldatos P., Ioannidou S.,  Torofias S., Iakovou G., Triantafyllidis K., “Integrated Bio/Waste-Refinery Towards Chemicals, Polymers and Fuels”, 23rd Panhellenic Chemistry conference, 25-28 September 2024, Athens, Greece.
  • Kotsaridou A., Margellou A., Mandela E., Konsolakis M., Marnellos G., Triantafyllidis K., “CO2 Hydrogenation to Light Olefins Over Layered Double Hydroxides Derived Mixed Oxides”, 23rd Panhellenic Chemistry conference, 25-28 September 2024, Athens, Greece.
  • Margellou A., Torofias S., Karras A.-I., Matsakas L., Rova U., Christakopoulos P., Triantafyllidis K., “Hydrodeoxygenation of lignin pyrolysis bio-oils and co-processing with petroleum fractions towards hydrocarbon fuels”, 18th International Congress on Catalysis, 14-19 July 2024, Lyon, France
  • Kristensen T., Hulteberg C., Abdelaziz O., Hallböök F., Elmroth Nordlander J., Corrêa de Araujo A. , Funke A., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K. , Blomberg S., “Tuning performance of Ni–Mo catalysts for the HDO of lignin oils to fuels”, 18th International Congress on Catalysis, 14-19 July 2024, Lyon, France
  • Soldatos P., Margellou A., Torofias S., Lemonidou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Catalytic upgrading of plastic wastes fast pyrolysis oils towards naphtha range hydrocarbons”, 18th International Congress on Catalysis, 14-19 July 2024, Lyon, France
  • Rekos K., Margellou A., Kostoglou M., Triantafyllidis K., “Catalytic hydrogenation of glucose to sorbitol over supported Pt and Ru catalysts – Optimization at gram and kilogram scale”, 18th International Congress on Catalysis, 14-19 July 2024, Lyon, France
  • Triantafyllidis, K.S., Lignin-based fuels, chemicals and polymers: Integrated biorefineries and circularity, 9th EUChemS, 7-11 July 2024. Dublin, Ireland (INVITED)
  • Koutsogianni Z.L., Triantafyllidis K., “Biomass valorization towards the development of epoxy resins with high biobased content”, 9th EUChemS, 7-11 July. Dublin, Ireland
  • Koutsogianni Z.L., Bikiaris D., Triantafyllidis K., “Itaconic acid as a renewable building block for thermosetting resins”, 85th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules:- Polymers for Sustainable Future 2024, 24-28 June 2024, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Soldatos P., Margellou A., Lemonidou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Thermochemical recycling of LDPE through fast pyrolysis & catalytic upgrading towards naphtha range hydrocarbons”, 11th International Conference on sustainable solid waste management, 19-22 June 2024, Rhodes, Greece
  • Triantafyllidis, K.S. A promising novel bio-based integration between residual biomass and green hydrogen: Hydrodeoxygenation of phenol and biomass fast pyrolysis oil, in “Novel opportunities for the development of biorefineries: bio-carbon to chemicals and fuels by Integration of biorefineries and green hydrogen”, IEA Bioenergy Task 42 Webinar, 16 May 2024 (INVITED).

  • Triantafyllidis, K.S., Heterogeneous catalysis in biomass conversion to chemicals and fuels, in “Waste to Wealth: Sustainable biomass conversion towards chemicals and materials”, (online), Workshop, Sustainable Materials Research Center (SUSMAT-RC), UM6P, Morocco, 23 May 2024 (INVITED).

  • Psochia E., Margellou A., Torofias S., Triantafyllidis K., “Production of cellulose nanoparticles towards functional polymer additives”, Polymers 2024 – Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, 28-31 May 2024, Athens, Greece
  • Ainali N-M., Pitsavas A., Xanthopoulou E., Rekos K., Triantafyllidis K., Bikiaris D., “Valorization Of Sugar-derived Polyols As Plasticizers Of Poly(lactic Acid)”, Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future – Polymers 2024, 28-31 May 2024, Athens, Greece
  • Rekos K., Margellou A., Valentin T., Hartmann M., Meyer T., Triantafyllidis K., “Valorisation of lignocellulosic biomass-derived glucose-rich streams for the production of bio-based sugar-alcohols as monomers”, Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future – Polymers 2024, 28-31 May 2024, Athens, Greece
  • Koutsogianni Z.L., Pappa C., Triantafyllidis K., “Synthesis and characterization of thermosetting resins based on isosorbide”, Polymers 2024 – Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, 28-31 May 2024, Athens, Greece
  • Koutsogianni Z.L., Pappa C., Triantafyllidis K., “Synthesis and characterization of epoxy polymers from biomass chemical derivatives”, 14th Panhellenic Scientific Conference Chemical Engineering, 29-31 May 2024 Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Margellou A., Karras A.-I., Karfaridis D., Triantafyllidis K., “Hydrotreatment of heavy lignin pyrolysis bio-oils and co-processing with petroleum fractions”, 14th Panhellenic Scientific Conference Chemical Engineering, 29-31 May 2024 Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Iakovou G., Psochia E., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) of nano-cellulose production plants from lignocellulosic forest and agricultural residues”, 14th Panhellenic Scientific Conference Chemical Engineering, 29-31 May 2024 Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Mandela E., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., Konsolakis M., Marnellos G., “CO2 hydrogenation towards light olefins over iron-based LDH-derived catalytic systems”, 14th Panhellenic Scientific Conference Chemical Engineering, 29-31 May 2024 Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Pappa C., Torofias S., Triantafyllidis K.S., “One-step isolation of sub-micro organosolv lignin – A sustainable polymer additive”, Polymers 2024 – Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, 28-31 May 2024, Athens, Greece
  • Pappa C., Soldatos P., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Circular Strategy for Epoxy Composite Recycling: Bisphenol-A (BPA) Recovery from Lignin-Epoxy composites via Fast Pyrolysis”, Polymers 2024 – Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, 28-31 May 2024, Athens, Greece
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Kotsaridou A., Triantafyllidis K., “NOVEL ACIDIC POROUS TITANATE (HYDROXY)OXIDE NANOPARTICLES FOR ADDITIVE-FREE PHOTOCHEMICAL UPCYCLING OF PLASTICS”, 23th Panhellenic Chemistry Conference-2024, 25-28 September, Athens, Greece.


  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Papamichail P., Qayyum A., Bandosz T.J., Colmenares J.C., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Novel metal-free nanomaterials for selective photocatalytic biomass valorization”, 1st Aristotle Conference on Chemistry-Advances and Challenges in Chemistry, 12-15 November 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-15 November 2023,
  • Koutsogianni Z.L., Pappa C.,Triantafyllidis K.S., “Synthesis and characterization of sugar-derived epoxy prepolymers: a potential bio-based substitute of BPA-based epoxy resins”, 1st Aristotle Conference on Chemistry-Advances and Challenges in Chemistry, 12-15 November 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-15 November 2023,
  • Pappa C., Giliopoulos D., Boukas F., Efstathiadis D., Polychroniadis I., Raska G, Triantafyllidis K.S., “Lignin derived alternative to BPA: Guaiacol-based epoxy resins”, 1st Aristotle Conference on Chemistry-Advances and Challenges in Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-15 November 2023,
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Bandosz T.J., Colmenares J.C., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Tuning on demand the physicochemical features of titanium oxide based nanomaterials towards photocatalytic biomass valorization and environmental remediation applications”, 4th European Conference on Physical Chemistry (ECPC23), 09-11/10/2023, Dornbirn, Austria.
  • Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Παπαμιχαήλ Π., Qayyum A., Colmenares J.C., Bandosz T.J, Τριανταφυλλίδης K., “Φωτοκαταλυτική αξιοποίηση βιομάζας με καινοτόμα νανοϋλικά τύπου γραφιτικού νιτριδίου του άνθρακα”, 8oΠεριβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας, ΚΕΔΕΑ ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, 6-8 Οκτωβρίου 2023.
  • Αρκάς Μ., Ιωαννίδης Ι., Γιαννακουδάκης, Δ. Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ. Σ., Πασχαλίδης Ι., Νανοσωματίδια και ξηρογέλες βασισμένες σε υπερδιακλαδισμένη πολυαιθυλενιμίνη και πυριτία για προσρόφηση ραδιενεργών ιόντων και άλλες περιβαλλοντικές εφαρμογές”, 8o Περιβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας, ΚΕΔΕΑ ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, 6-8 Οκτωβρίου 2023.
  • Ιωαννίδης I., Κυνηγοπούλου B., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Αρκάς Μ., Αναστόπουλος Ι., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ., Πασχαλίδης Ι., Μικροπλαστικά ως «Δούρειος Ίππος» για τη ρύπανση από ραδιοπυρήνες σε υδάτινα σώματα – Μια ανασκόπηση με έμφαση στις εμπλεκόμενες αλληλεπιδράσεις”,8oΠεριβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας, ΚΕΔΕΑ ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, 6-8 Οκτωβρίου 2023.
  • Σαλονικίδου Ε.Δ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Κώστογλου Μ., Δεληγιάννη Ε.Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ., “Βαθιά αποθείωση πρότυπων και πραγματικών υγρών καυσίμων με χρήση νανοπορωδών ενεργών ανθράκων”, 8o Περιβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας, ΚΕΔΕΑ ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, 6-8 Οκτωβρίου 2023,
  • Kotsaridou A., Giannakoudakis D.A., Triantafyllidis K.S. “Φωτοκαταλυτική οξείδωση της 5-υδροξυμέθυλοφουρφουράλης με νανοσωλήνες τιτανίας εναποθετημένες σε νανοράβδους οξειδίου του μαγγανίου.”, 8o Περιβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 6-8 Οκτωβρίου 2023,
  • Κουτσογιάννη Ζ.Λ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Colmenares J.C., T.J. Bandosz T.J., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ., “Συνθετα υλικα νανοσωληνων τιτανιας με ανηγμενο οξειδιο του γραφενιου για την εκλεκτικη φωτοκαταλυτικη οξειδωση φουρανικων ενωσεων ”, 8o Περιβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 6-8 Οκτωβρίου 2023,
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Koutsogianni Z.-L., Kotsaridou A., Qayyum A., Bandosz T. J., Colmenare J.C., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Nanocomposites of titanate nanotubes with S and N doped reduced graphite oxide: boosting biomass-derived HMF photocatalytic selective oxidation”, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Fall 2023 Meeting, 18-21/9/2023, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Sampris I., Barmpalexis P., Stylianidis E., Giannakoudakis A.D., Triantafyllidis K.S., “A novel process intensification tool in catalysis: Electromagnetic treatment of water”, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Fall 2023 Meeting, 18-21/9/2023, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Kotsaridou A., Giannakoudakis D.A., Koutsogianni Z.L., Bandosz T.J., Colmenares J. C., Triantafyllidis K. S., ‘’Titanate nanotubes nanocomposites with S and N doped graphite oxide: upgrading the selective photocatalytic oxidation of biomass derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF)’’, XXXVII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Thessaloniki, 17-20 September 2023,
  • Triantafyllidis, K.S., Lignin-based biorefineries for the production of fuels, chemicals and polymers, 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Salerno, Italy, 3-6 September 2023 (INVITED KEYNOTE)

  • Soultana Ioannidou, Jörg Sauer and Konstantinos Triantafyllidis, Catalytic conversion of biomass derived sugars towards hydrocarbon fuels, 3rd KIT-AUTh HEPTA Joint Summer School, Thessaloniki, 4-8 September 2023
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Papamichail P., Qayyum A., Colmenares J.C., Bandosz T.J., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Lignin-derived chemicals via selective cleavage of β-Ο-4 linkages by novel green nano-polymeric graphitic carbon nitride nanoparticles”, 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 3-6/9/2023, Salerno, Italy.
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Sampris I., PBarmpalexis P., Stylianidis E., Giannakoudakis A.D., Triantafyllidis K.S.,“Electromagnetic treatment of water as a process intensification tool for sustainable photocatalytic applications: biomass valorization and hydrogen production”, 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 3-6/9/2023, Salerno, Italy.
  • Soultana Ioannidou, Konstantinos Triantafyllidis, “Furfural condensation under basic considitons towards hydrocarbon transportation fuels precursors” 6th EuChemS on green and sustainable chemistry, Salerno, Italy, 3-6 September 2023,
  • Soldatos P., Margellou A., Torofias S., Yfanti V.-L. , Lemonidou A., Triantafyllidis K., “In-situ catalytic upgrading of plastic waste fast pyrolysis oil”, 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Salerno, Italy, 3-6 September 2023
  • Psochia E., Karagiannidis E., Athanasiadou E., Kehagias N., Triantafyllidis K., “Nanocellulose-reinforced particle boards with nanoimprinted surfaces for enhanced hydrophobicity”, 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Salerno, Italy, 3-6 September 2023
  • Margellou A., Mandela E., Marnellos G.E., Konsolakis M., Triantafyllidis K., “Layered Double Hydroxide derived mixed-oxides as catalysts in CO2 Hydrogenation to light olefins”, 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Salerno, Italy, 3-6 September 2023
  • Kyriazis Rekos, Αntigoni Margellou, Lazaros Papadopoulos, Natalia Malitowski, Tobias Robert, Dimitrios Bikiaris, Konstantinos Triantafyllidis,“Hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis of glucose-rich streams towards sugar alcohols and their use in the production of UV-curable polyester resins” 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Salerno, Italy, 3-6 September 2023
  • P. Ioannidou, A. G. Margellou, A. Anukam, L. Matsakas, U. Rova, P. Christakopoulos and K. S. Triantafyllidis., “Catalytic dehydration of model xylose and real biomass pretreatment hemicellulose streams towards furfural enriched products”, 15th European Congress on Catalysis, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 August-1 September 2023,
  • Margellou A., Zormpa F., Torofias S., Correa de Araujo A., Funke A., Triantafyllidis K., “Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of phenolic compounds and lignin pyrolysis bio-oils towards drop-in aviation fuels”, 15thEuropean Congress on Catalysis, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 August-1 September 2023
  • Rekos, A. Margellou, Ch. Wurzer, O. Mašek, A. Anukam, L. Matsakas, U. Rova, P. Christakopoulos, K. Triantafyllidis, “Catalytic hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis of glucose rich streams over biochar/activated carbon supported metal catalysts for the production of sorbitol and smaller diols/glycols”, 15th European Congress on Catalysis, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 August-1 September 2023
  • Yfanti V.-L., Zoupidis H., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., Lemonidou A.A., “Catalytic upgrading of waste plastic pyrolysis oil”, 15th European Congress on Catalysis, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 August-1 September 2023
  • Margellou A, Psochia E., Triantafyllidis K., “Isolation of highly crystalline cellulose via combined pretreatment/fractionation and extraction procedures within a biorefinery concept”, ACS Fall 2023, San Francisco, USA, 13-17 August 2023
  • Psochia E., Margellou A., Torofias S., Gkiliopoulos D., Karagiannidis E., Athanasiadou E., Kehagias N., Triantafyllidis K., “Development of nanocellulose-reinforced polymeric adhesives/coatings with nanostructured surfaces”, ACS Fall 2023, San Francisco, USA, 13-17 August 2023
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Salonikidou E.D., Bandosz T.J., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Mixed agricultural waste derived nanoporous activated carbons for diesel fuel deep desulfurization”, CARBON2023, Cancun, Mexico, 16-21 July 2023
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Bandosz T.J., Colmenares J.C., Triantafyllidis K.S., “S and N doped reduced graphene oxide as a filler for nanocomposites with titanate nanotubes: boosting the additives-free selective photocatalytic oxidation of biomass-inspired chemicals”, Beyond Adsorption III: new perspectives and challenges for nanoporous carbons, 15/7/2023, Cancun, Mexico.
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Papamichail P., Qayyum A., Colmenares J.C., Triantafyllidis K.S., “A green approach for boosting the photoreactivity of nano-polymeric graphitic carbon nitride for the biomass/lignin-inspired depolymerization via selective cleavage of β-Ο-4 linkages”, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2023), Cancun, Mexico, 16-21/07/2023. (INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKER)
  • Iakovou G., Kavoukis S., Triantafyllidis K., “Integrated microalgae
    extraction and fast pyrolysis of biomass residue”, 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Chania, Greece, 21-24 Jun 2023,
  • Psochia E., Margellou A., Torofias S., Triantafyllidis K., “Top-down production of cellulose micro/nanoparticles following an integrated biorefinery approach”, 7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Dresden, Germany, 22-24 May 2023
  • Salonikidou E.D., Giannakoudakis D.A., Bandosz T.J., Triantafyllidis K.S., “ Nanoporous activated carbon from mixed agricultural waste for diesel fuel desulfurization”, 7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Dresden, Germany, 22-24 May 2023,
  • Salonikidou E.D., Giannakoudakis D.A., Baltzopoulou P., Fotiadis K., Karagiannakis G., Nanaki E.A., Kiartzis S., Triantafyllidis K.S., “ Utilization of (Bio)waste and Commercial Nanoporous Activated Carbons for the Deep Adsorptive Desulfurization of Diesel Fuel”, 1st Mediterranean Conference on Porous Materials, Crete, Greece, 17-19 May 2023,
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Koutsogianni Z.-L., Kotsaridou A., Bandosz T.J., Colmenares J.C., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Νanocomposites of titanate nanotubes with graphite oxide derivatives: boosting the photocatalytic oxidation of biomass-inspired chemicals”, 1st Mediterranean Conference on Porous Materials (MEDpore23), Rethnymno, Creta, Greece, 17-19/05/2023.
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Sampris I., Barmpalexis P., Stylianidis E., Giannakoudakis A.D., Triantafyllidis K.S., “A novel electromagnetic treatment for boosting (bio)catalytic applications in water: the case of photocatalytic selective oxidation of the biomass-derived HMF and hydrogen production” 1st Mediterranean Conference on Porous Materials (MEDpore23), Rethnymno, Creta, Greece, 17-19/05/2023.
  • Araujo A., Funke A., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis A., Dahmen N., “Overcoming challenges in fast pyrolysis of lignin: Strategies and experiments”, Pyroliq II-2023: Pyrolysis and liquefaction of biomass and wastes, Schloss Hernstein, Austria, 7-12 May, 2023
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Kotsaridou N., Koutsogianni Z.-L., Barczak M., Borowski P., Colmenares J.C., Bandosz T.J., Triantafyllidis K., “Photocatalytic selective oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF): Novel composites of titanate nanotubes with S and N doped reduced graphite oxide”, FUR4Sustain MC/CG/WG hybrid meeting, 27-28 April 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Margellou, C. Pappa, S. Ioannidou, F. Zormpa, E. Psochia, Z.-L. Koutsogianni, K. Rekos, S. Torofias, P. Soldatos, G. Iakovou, K. Triantafyllidis “Lignin valorization towards fuels, chemicals and polymers”, WIRE meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29-30 March 2023
  • Margellou, C. Pappa, F. Zormpa, S. Torofias, P. Soldatos, G. Iakovou, K. Triantafyllidis, “Case studies of lignin valorization towards fuels, chemicals and polymers”, Lignocost meeting, Pisa, Italy, 2-3 March 2023


  • Pappa P., Cailotto S., Gigli M., Crestini C., Feghali E., Vanbroekhoven K., Triantafyllidis K.S. ” Utilization of Kraft and Organosolv lignin towards bio-based epoxy polymer composites”, Lignin Conference 2022, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 31 May – 3 June 2022
  • Κοτσαρίδου Α., Σαλονικίδου Ε.Δ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ., Δεληγιάννη Ε.Α. “Απομάκρυνση διβενζοθειοφαινίου από πρότυπα υγρά καύσιμα βενζίνης με προσρόφηση σε ενεργούς άνθρακες: Επίδραση της επιφανειακής χημείας και της παρουσίας αρωματικών ενώσεων” 5o Συνέδριο Χημείας Μεταπτυχιακών και Προπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα, 2-3 Απριλίου 2022,
  • Μπεϊνά Α., Παπαλέτσιου Α., Σαλονικίδου Ε.Δ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Κώστογλου Μ., Δεληγιάννη Ε.Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ. “Ολοκληρωμένη μελέτη βαθειάς προσροφητικής αποθείωσης πρότυπου καυσίμου βενζίνης με ενεργούς άνθρακες” 5o Συνέδριο Χημείας Μεταπτυχιακών και Προπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα, 2-3 Απριλίου 2022,
  • Ψώχια Ε., Μαργέλλου Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ., Παραγωγή νανοκυτταρίνης από λιγνοκυτταρινούχα βιομάζα με μηχανικές και χημικές μεθόδους για χρήση ως ενισχυτικό μέσο πολυμερικών υποστρωμάτων, 5o Συνέδριο Χημείας Μεταπτυχιακών και Προπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα, 2-3 Απριλίου 2022
  • Σαλονικίδου Ε.Δ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Κώστογλου Μ., Δεληγιάννη Ε.Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ. “Βαθειά αποθείωση πρότυπων υγρών καυσίμων με ενεργούς άνθρακες: Μελέτη της επίδρασης της επιφανειακής οξείδωσης και του ανταγωνισμού των μονο- και πολυ-αρωματικών ενώσεων” 5o Συνέδριο Χημείας Μεταπτυχιακών και Προπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα, 2-3 Απριλίου 2022,
  • Κουτσογιάννη Ζ.Λ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Δεληγιάννη Ε.Α.,Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ. “Φωτοκαταλυτική εκλεκτική οξείδωση 5-υδροξυμεθυλοφουρφουράλης (HMF) σε συνθήκες περιβάλλοντος με νανοσωλήνες τιτανίας διαφορετικών φυσικοχημικών χαρακτηριστικών”, 5o Συνέδριο Χημείας Μεταπτυχιακών και Προπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα, 2-3 Απριλίου 2022,
  • Ντεκούλη Ι.Κ., Κουτσογιάννη Ζ.Λ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Colmenares J.C., Bandosz T.J., Τριανταφυλλίδης K.Σ. “Σύνθετα νανοϋλικά τιτανίας με οξείδιο του γραφενίου για την εφαρμογή τους στην φωτοκαταλυτική επιλεκτική οξείδωση ενώσεων προερχόμενων από βιομάζα”, 5o Συνέδριο Χημείας Μεταπτυχιακών και Προπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα, 2-3 Απριλίου 2022,
  • Ιωαννίδου Σ., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ., Παραγωγή φουρανικών ενώσεων από σάκχαρα λιγνοκυτταρινούχας βιομάζας προς υδρογονανθρακικά καύσιμα μεταφοράς, 5o Συνέδριο Χημείας Μεταπτυχιακών και Προπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα, 2-3 Απριλίου 2022
  • Margellou A., Psochia E., Rekos , Torofias S., Pappa C., Ioannidou S., Zormpa F., Kavoukis S., Triantafyllidis K., “Integrated biorefinery for waste lignocellulosic biomass valorization to chemicals, fuels and polymers”, 30rdEuropean Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Marseille, France,  9-12 May 2022, Online.
  • Triantafyllidis K., Margellou A., Rekos , Kavoukis  S., Pappa C., Fotopoulos A., “Fast pyrolysis of lignin towards aromatics, phenolics and crude bio-oils”,30rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Marseille, France,  9-12 May 2022, Online.
  • Margellou A., Psochia E., Triantafyllidis K., “Integrated biorefinery approach towards (nano)cellulose, furanics and phenolic value-added chemicals”, International Symposium on Green Chemistry 2022, La Rochelle, France, 16-20 May 2022.
  • Margellou A., Kavoukis S., Correa de Araujo A., Funke A., Matsaka L., Rova U., Christakopoulos P.,Triantafyllidis K., “Organosolv lignin valorization via fast pyrolysis towards jet hydrocarbon fuels”, International Symposium on Green Chemistry 2022, La Rochelle, France, 16-20 May 2022.
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Koutsogianni Z.L., Ntekouli I., Colmenares J.C., Triantafyllidis K.S. “Designing novel nanocomposites of titanate nanotubes with graphite oxide derivatives: elevating the photocatalytic selective oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-diformylfuran” Carbon 2022, London, United Kingdom, 3-8 July 2022,
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Salonikidou E.D., Deliyanni E.A., Svetlana B., Triantafyllidis K.S. “Biomass-derived activated carbons for the desulfurization of model fuels: importance of carbon surface chemistry and antagonistic effect by the presence of aromatics”, CARBON 2022, London, United Kingdom, 3-8 July 2022
  • Salonikidou E.D., Giannakoudakis D.A., Kostoglou M., Triantafyllidis K.S., Deliyanni E.A., “Metal-free activated carbons for the deep desulfurization of model and real diesel fuel” CARBON 2022, London, United Kingdom, 3-8 July 2022
  • Kavoukis S., Pappa C., Margellou , Triantafyllidis K.S. , “Waste particle board valorization via fast (catalytic) pyrolysis towards value-added chemicals and fuels”, 9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Corfu, Greece, 15-17 June 2022
  • Psochia E., Margellou A., Gkiliopoulos D. J., Karagiannidis E., Athanasiadou E., Kehagias N., Triantafyllidis K.S. “Production and use of nanocellulose for the reinforcement of epoxy and formaldehyde-based resins”, ACS Spring 2022, San Diego, CA, March 20-24 2022, Online.
  • Triantafyllidis K., Margellou A., Zormpa F., Kavoukis S., Pappa C., Fotopoulos A., “Catalytic upgrading of lignin fast pyrolysis oil towards alkyl-phenols, BTX aromatics and cyclo-alkanes”, ACS Spring 2022, San Diego, CA, March 20-24 2022, Online.
  • Triantafyllidis K., Margellou A., Pappa C., Psochia E., Ioannidou S., Torofias S., Rekos K. “Integrated biorefinery approaches for lignocellulosic biomass valorization to fuels, chemicals and polymers”, ACS Spring 2022, San Diego, CA, March 20-24 2022, Online.
  • Ioannidou S. , Triantafyllidis K. , “Green” hydrocarbon fuels production from lignocellulosic biomass sugars towards reducing CO2 emissions” 13th International Conference on Air Quality – Science and Application, Thessaloniki, Greece, 27 June – 1 July 2022
  • Pappa C.P, Torofias S.A, Margellou A.G, Papadopoulou E, Markessini C., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Bio-based P-F resins for wood-based panels by substituting phenol and formaldehyde with lignin derived phenolics and biomass-based furfural”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022
  • Iakovou G., Margellou A.G, Triantafyllidis K.S., “Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of oleic acid over Ni catalysts supported on Beta zeolite ”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022
  • Koutsogianni Z.L., Giannakoudakis D.A., Rekos K., Tsoumachidou S., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Production of value-added furanic compounds via photocatalytic selective oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022.
  • Salonikidou E.D., Giannakoudakis D.A., Kostoglou M., Deliyanni E.A., Triantafyllidis K.S., “ Tuning the surface chemistry of nanoporous activated carbons towards diesel fuel desulfurization”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022,
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Salonikidou E.D., Deliyanni E.A., Bashkova S., Triantafyllidis K.S., “ Biomass derived nanoporous carbons for diesel deep desulfurization”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022,
  • Psochia E., Brenda D., Triantafyllidis K.S. “Cellulose micro/nanoparticles as green polymer reinforcing agents”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, September 5-9 2022
  • Margellou A., Zormpa F., Torofias S., Delli E., Correa de Araujo A., Funke A., Matsakas L., Rova U., Christakopoulos P., Triantafyllidis K., “Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of lignin pyrolysis bio-oil towards transportation fuels”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022
  • G. Margellou, E. A. Psochia, S. Torofias and K. S. Triantafyllidis, “Tailored pretreatment/fractionation of forest and agricultural biomass towards selective isolation of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022.
  • Ioannidou S.P. , Margellou A.G. , Triantafyllidis K. S. , “Xylose and hemicellulose sugar streams dehydration to furfural in aqueous and biphasic media” 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September, 2022,
  • Foteini F. Zormpa, Antigoni G. Margellou, Vasileia-Loukia Yfanti, Konstantinos S. Triantafyllidis, «Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of lignin-derived phenolic compounds over zeolite-supported nickel catalysts», 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022
  • Kyriazis Rekos, Antigoni Margellou and Konstantinos S. Triantafyllidis, “Glucose hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis towards sugar alcohols over Pt/Ru catalysts supported on micro/mesoporous activated carbon”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022
  • Zoe Terzopoulou, Konstantinos S. Triantafyllidis and Dimitrios Bikiaris, “European Sustainable BIO-based nanoMAterials Community (BIOMAC)”, 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2022
  • Salonikidou E.D., Giannakoudakis D.A., Triantafyllidis K.S., “ Deep desulfurization of diesel fuels by activated nanoporous carbons: is it doable? ”, Eleventh International Symposium Effects of Surface Heterogeneity in Adsorption, Catalysis and related Phenomena (ISSHAC-11), Zegrze, Poland, 18-22 September 2022,
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Koutsogianni Z.L., Qayyum A., Barczak M., Borowski P., Colmenares J.C., Triantafyllidis K., “Photocatalytic oxidation of biomass derived chemicals by innovative nanomaterials of titanate oxide: mechanisms and reactive oxygen species”, Eleventh International Symposium Effects of Surface Heterogeneity in Adsorption, Catalysis and related Phenomena (ISSHAC-11), Zegrze, Poland, 18-22 September 2022,
  • Margellou A., Zormpa F., Kavoukis S., Torofias S., Triantafyllidis K., “Micro/mesoporous zeolitic catalysts for lignin valorisation to chemicals and fuels”, 8th ENMIX Workshop “Nanoporous Materials for a Sustainable Development”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-7 October 2022
  • Salonikidou E.D., Giannakoudakis D.A., Kostoglou M., Triantafyllidis K.S., Deliyanni E.A., “ Nanoporous Activated Carbons as Efficient Desulfurization Adsorbents”, 8th ENMIX Workshop “Nanoporous Materials for a Sustainable Development”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-7 October 2022,
  • Psochia E., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K.S. “Nanocellulose: From biomass to high potential nanomaterials”, 10th Journees Mediterraneennes Des Jeunes Chercheurs (JMJC 2022), Nice, France, October 13-14 2022
  • Κουτσογιάννη Ζ.Λ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ., “Σύνθετα υλικά νανοσωλήνων οξειδίου του τιτανίου και οξειδίου του γραφενίου για εκλεκτική φωτοκαταλυτική οξείδωση της 5-υδροξυμεθυλο-φουρφουράλης”, 16o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2022,
  • Ζορμπά Φ., Μαργέλλου Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ., “Μελέτη της αντίδρασης υδρογονοαποξυγόνωσης πρότυπων ενώσεων πυρολυτικών βιο-ελαίων λιγνίνης με καταλύτες νικελίου υποστηριγμένους σε ζεόλιθους”, 16o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2022.
  • Σαλονικίδου Ε.Δ., Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α., Δεληγιάννη Ε.Α., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ. “Καταλυτική/οξειδωτική αποθείωση πρότυπων υγρών καυσίμων με χρήση ενεργών ανθράκων”, 16o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2022,
  • Γιαννακουδάκης Δ.Α, Κάκου Ε., Σαλονικίδου Ε.Δ, Κουτσογιάννη Ζ.Λ., Τριανταφυλλίδης Κ.Σ., “Φωτοκαταλυτική μετατροπή του 4,6-διμέθυλο-διβενζοθειοφαινίου σε υγρά καύσιμα με χρήση πολυμερικών γραφιτικών νιτριδίων του άνθρακα (g-C3N4) και νανοσωματιδίων οξειδίου του τιτανίου: η επίδραση των αρωματικών στο ντίζελ “, 16o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2022,
  • Γιαννακουδάκης Δ., Κουτσογιάννη Ζ.-Λ., Qayyum Α., Barczak Μ., Borowski P., Colmenares J.C., Τριανταφυλλίδης K., Φωτοκαταλυτική οξειδωτική μετατροπή βιομάζας με καινοτόμα νανοϋλικά οξειδίου του τιτανίου: μηχανισμοί και δραστικές ενώσεις”16ο Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά, 20-22/10/2022.
  • Α. Μαργέλλου, Φ. Ζορμπά, Σ. Τοροφίας, Κ. Τριανταφυλλίδης, “Καταλυτική υδρογονοαποξυγόνωση φαινολικών ενώσεων και βιοελαίων πυρόλυσης λιγνίνης”, 16o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2022.
  • Α. Μαργέλλου, Ι. Τζελέπη, Σ. Τοροφίας και Κ. Τριανταφυλλίδης, “Ταχεία πυρόλυση λιγνινών προς παραγωγή φαινολικών/αρωματικών βιο-ελαίων”,16o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2022.
  • Σ.Π. Ιωαννίδου, Α.Γ. Μαργέλλου, Κ.Σ. Τριανταφυλλίδης, “Καταλυτική αφυδάτωση ξυλόζης και ημικυτταρινικών υγρών προερχόμενων από λιγνοκυτταρινούχα βιομάζα προς οξυγονούχες ενώσεις πρόδρομες υδρογανανθρακικών καυσίμων μεταφοράς” 16o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2022.
  • Κ. Ρέκος, Α. Μαργέλλου και Κ.Σ. Τριανταφυλλίδης, “Υδρογόνωση/υδρογονόλυση γλυκόζης προς αλκοόλες σακχάρων με καταλυτές Pt/Ru υποστηριγμένους σε μικρο/μεσοπορώδεις άνθρακες”, 16o Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2022


  • Pappa C., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Bio-based thermosetting epoxy composites utilizing kraft lignin” 13th Hellenic Polymer Society International Conference, Athens, Greece 12-16 December 2021, Online
  • Psochia E., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Production of (nano)cellulose from agricultural and lignocellulosic biomass”, 13th Hellenic polymer society international conference, Athens, Greece, 12-16 December 2021, online
  • Pappa C., Margellou A., Papadopoulou E., Markessini C., Triantafyllidis K., “Catalytic condensation of phenolic and furanic biomass-derived monomers in the production of bio-based PF resols ”, 6th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, 16-18 November 2021, Online
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Salonikidou E.D., Kakamouka K.A., Samanidou V.F., Kostoglou M., Triantafyllidis K.S., Deliyanni E.A. “Adsorptive and catalytic oxidative deep desulfurization of model fuel by metal-free activated carbons: the key role of surface chemistry” 6th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference, 16-18 November 2021, Online.
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Qayyum A., Nair V., Khan A., Pradhan S.R., Prekodravac J., Rekos K., Łomot D., Triantafyllidis K.S., Colmenares J.C., “Surface Decoration of TiO2 nanoparticles with CuOx nanoclusters for additives free photocatalysis: H2 production and selective oxidation of biomass-derived model compounds” 6th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference, 16-18 November 2021, Online.
  • Margellou A., Psochia E., Triantafyllidis K., “Integrated biorefinery approach towards (nano)cellulose and valorization of hemicellulose and lignin streams”, 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online.
  • Kavoukis S., Iakovou G., Margellou A., Papapanagiotou G., Lortou O., Panou M., Rousonikolos V., Gkoutzikostas D., Korovesis N., Gkelis S., Zalidis G., Triantafyllidis K., “Biomass characterization and b-carotene extraction from microalgae cultured under stress conditions (Dunaliella spp.) towards production of high-added value products”, 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online.
  • Kavoukis S., Iakovou G., Adamakis I., Zalidis G., Triantafyllidis K., “Biomass characterization and lipid extraction/analysis from Chlorella microalgae towards biofuel production”, 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online.
  • Iakovou G., Ipsakis D., Heracleous H., Triantafyllidis K., “Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment of kraft lignin fast (catalytic) pyrolysis for the production of high value-added chemicals (HVACs) ”, 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online.
  • Pappa C., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Lignin as reactive additive in epoxy polymers”, 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (EuGSC), Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online.
  • Psochia E., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Nanocellulose production by mechanical treatment and utilization as green additive in urea formaldehyde (UF) resins”, 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online.
  • Papadopoulou E., Athanasiadou E., Moutousidis D., Pappa C., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K.S., “Green phenol formaldehyde (PF) resins for plywood production by utilizing lignin fast pyrolysis oils”, 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry,  Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online.
  • Salonikidou E.D., Giannakoudakis D.A., Kostoglou M., Triantafyllidis K.S., Deliyanni E.A. “Deep desulfurization of model fuels by metal-free activated carbons”, 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online,
  • Giannakoudakis D.A., Salonikidou E.D., Kostoglou M., Deliyanni E.A., Bashkova S., Triantafyllidis K.S. “Biomass-derived activated carbons for the desulfurization of model fuels: importance of carbon surface chemistry and antagonistic effect by the presence of aromatics” 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online,
  • Pappa C., Valasiadis D., Cailotto S., Gigli M., Crestini C., Triantafyllidis K. S., “Utilization of Kraft lignin for the production of thermosetting bio-based epoxy polymer composites”, CA17128 LignoCOST Conference on Lignin, Pisa, Italy, 1-2 September 2021, Online
  • Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Reductive depolymerization of various lignin types by metal catalysts supported on micro/mesoporous carbon”, CA17128 LignoCOST Conference on Lignin, Pisa, Italy, 1-2 September 2021, Online
  • Malamakis A., Batsioula M., Banias G., Tzamos Ε., Palantzas G., Triantafylidis K., Rekos K., Zoumpoulis A. “Preliminary feasibility assessment and SWOT analysis of a fast pyrolysis pilot furnace for the management of marine and hazardous waste”, RawMat2021 – International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy, Athens, Greece, 5-9 September 2021
  • Pappa C., Triantafyllidis K. S., “Adding value to pulp industry waste: Bio-based thermosetting epoxy resins using Kraft lignin”, 13th Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School, Venice, Italy, 4-10 July 2021, Online
  • Pappa C., Triantafyllidis K. S., “Utilization of pulp and paper industry waste (Kraft lignin) for the production of bio-based epoxy composites”, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 June 2021,  Online
  • Ioannidou S., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Winery wastes valorization based on the “integrated biorefinery” concept”, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 June 2021,  Online
  • Rekos K., Margellou A., Dedes G., Karnaouri A., Topakas E., Triantafyllidis K., “Valorization of waste lignocellulosic biomass towards furanics and organic acids”, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 June 2021,  Online.
  • Margellou A., Pappa C., Moutousidis D., Athanasiadou E., Triantafyllidis K, “Hydrothermal pretreatment and fractionation of agricultural lignocellulosic waste biomass towards furanics and lignin-based chemicals”, 8thInternational Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 June 2021,  Online.
  • Triantafyllidis K., Margellou A., Rekos K., Pappa C., Fotopoulos A., “Lignin-Based Biorefinery: Monomers, Polymers and Fuels from Hydrolysis, Organosolv and Kraft Lignin”, EUBCE 2021-29th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Marseille, France,  26-29 April 2021, Online.
  • Margellou A., Rekos K., Fotopoulos A., Triantafyllidis K. “Catalytic hydrogenolysis of lignin towards the production of phenolic bio-oils”, IV Scientific-Technological Symposium Catalytic hydroprocessing in oil refining STS HydroCat, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-30 April 2021, Online.
  • Zormpa F., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Valorization of lignocellulosic biomass towards the production of phenolic and aromatic monomers”, 1st Online Conference of New scientists: Fossil sources-Environment-Chemical Engineering, Kozani, Greece, 26-28 February, Online.
  • Kavoukis S., Papapanagiotou G., Iakovou G., Margellou A., Lortou O., Panou M., Rousonikolos V., Goutzikostas D., Korovesis, Zalidis G., S. Gkelis, Triantafyllidis K., “Characterization and b- carotene extraction of Dunalliela microalgae towards added value chemicals”, 1st Online Conference of New scientists: Fossil sources-Environment-Chemical Engineering, Kozani, Greece, 26-28 February, Online.
  • Kavoukis S., Triantafyllidis  K.S. , “Characterization and utilization of microalgae biomass for biofuel production”, 4th Conference of under- and post-graduate students of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, online, 20-21 March
  • Zormpa F., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Catalytic conversion of lignin into phenolic and aromatic compounds”, 4th Conference of under- and post-graduate students of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, online, 20-21 March
  • Iakovou G., Ipsakis D., Heracleus H., “Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment of kraft lignin fast (catalytic) pyrolysis for the production of high value-added chemicals (HVACs)”. 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry,  Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 September 2021, Online.
  • Iakovou G., Triantafyllidis  K.S. “Screening of multiple valorization pathways for kraft lignin fast (catalytic) pyrolysis through Techno-Economic Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment.” CA17128 LignoCOST Conference on Lignin, Pisa, Italy, 1-2 September 2021, Online
  • Gkiliopoulos D., Simeonidis K., Rekos K., Efstathiadis D., Raska J., Polychroniadis I., and Triantafyllidis K. “Valorisation of waste marble powder as additive of epoxy polymers for the protection of commercial marbles”. 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-25 June 2021, Online
  • Gkiliopoulos D., Simeonidis K., Efstathiadis D., Raska G., Polychroniadis I., and Triantafyllidis K. “Adding value to waste marble powder: Utilization as micro/ nano-filler of protective epoxy polymer composites”. RawMt2021 International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy, Athens, Greece, 05-09 September 2021, Online
  • Tsamesidis I., Gkiliopoulos D., Pouroutzidou G., Theocharidou A., Reybier K., Perio P., Triantafyllidis K., Paraskevopoulos K., and Kontonasaki E., “Cerium doped mesoporous nanoparticles for drug delivery of Artemisinin”. TERMIS 6th World Congress, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 15-19 November 2021, Online
  • Kontonasaki E., Gkiliopoulos D., Tsamesidis I., Theocharidou A., and Triantafyllidis K., “Biocompatibility of rh-BMP-2-loaded mesoporous silica with periodontal ligament cells”. TERMIS 6th World Congress, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 15-19 November 2021, Online


  • Margellou A., Nitsos C., Triantafyllidis K., “Pretreatment/fractionation and conversion of lignocellulosic biomass towards enhanced furanics production”, Fur4Sustain Xmas Meeting, COST action, Online, 17-18 December 2020.
  • Pappa C., Giliopoulos D., Margellou A., Fotopoulos A., Triantafyllidis K., “Epoxy resins with paper industry residues as additives: the case of kraft and organosolv lignins”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 October-1 November 2020.
  • Ioannidou S., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Biorefinery of vinery waste and by-products”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 October-1 November 2020.
  • Margellou A., Zormpa F., Triantafyllidis K., “Valorization of agricultural and food industry lignocellulosic wastes towards the production of phenolic monomers”, 7th Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 October-1 November 2020.
  • Kavoukis S., Iakovou G., Margellou A., Papapanagiotou G., Lortou O., Panou M., Gkelis S., Zalidis G., Triantafyllidis K., “Utilization of microalgae for the production of added value chemical products”, 7thEnvironmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 October-1 November 2020.
  • Triantafyllidis K., Margellou A., Rekos  K., Pappa C., Fotopoulos A., “Valorization of lignin towards chemicals, fuels and polymers”, BERSTIC 2020: II International Congress on Biorefineries and Renewable Energies, Colombia, 17-20 February 2020.


  • Ioannidou S., Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Winery wastes valorization to value added chemicals”, 3rdConference for under- and post-graduate students of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-23 November 2019.
  • Margellou A., Rekos K.,Triantafyllidis K., “Valorization of agricultural and food industry wastes towards the production of fuels and value-added chemicals, Invalor Scientific workshop, Chania, Greece, 15 November 2019.
  • Pappa C., Giliopoulos D., Margellou A., Fotopoulos A., Triantafyllidis K., «Valorization of lignin as epoxy polymer bio-additive», 6th Panhellenic Symposium “Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development”, Athens, Greece, 18-20 October 2019.
  • Margellou A., Rekos K., Pappa C., Fotopoulos A., Triantafyllidis K., “Integrated biorefinery for lignocellulosic biomass valorization to fuels and chemicals, 6th Panhellenic Conference Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development, Athens, Greece, 18-20 October 2019.
  • Margellou A., Rekos K., Pappa C., Triantafyllidis K., “Hemicellulose and lignin biomass streams valorization via catalytic hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis reactions”, 6th Panhellenic Conference Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development, Athens, Greece, 18-20 October, 2019.
  • Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Catalytic hydrogenolysis of kraft lignin towards substituted phenolics”, V International Conference CATALYSIS FOR RENEWABLE SOURCES: FUEL, ENERGY, CHEMICALS, Crete, Greece, 2-6 September, 2019.
  • Mitsiakou E., Margellou A., Rekos K., Triantafyllidis K., “Valorization of hemicellulose-biomass side streams via catalytic hydrogenation into value added chemicals and fuels”, 7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Crete, Greece, 26-29 June 2019.
  • Margellou A., Triantafyllidis K., “Valorization of agricultural and food industry wastes towards the production of value-added chemicals: A holistic approach”, 17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-20 June 2019.