Participation of Dr. Antigoni Margellou in 18th ICC
On 14-19th July 2024, Dr. Antigoni Margellou participated in the 18thInternational Congress on Catalytics which was held in Lyon, France. The congress was a unique opportunity to meet scientists with great impact in catalysis and get informed in the cutting edge research. Antigoni had an oral presentation entitled “Hydrodeoxygenation of lignin pyrolysis bio-oils and co-processing with petroleum fractions towards hydrocarbon fuels” focused on the hydrodeoxygenation of lignin pyrolysis bio-oils towards fuels as well as their potential co-processign with vaccum gas-oil. The work was a collaboration between Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Luleå University of Technology, Sweden within the Flexi-Green fuels project (European Union’s Horizon, No. 101007130,
Furthermore, we are proud to announce that Dr. Antigoni Margellou has been awarded the Young Talend Label by the Young Scientistis Committee of ICC. Congratulations!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101007130.